BSA 206 W9 : Tarantino and Scorsese

This week we looked at Tarantino and Scorsese as our choicest directors, they share some traits, like the fact that they both have very phonetically exciting names, mainly however its because of the content of their films, which heavily feature violence and crime.

We watched some of Raging Bull (1980) in class, I have tried watching this one before and am not the biggest fan. In general of the two I am a fan of Tarantino but have seen enough Scorsese movies to know I like them for the most part.

The thing with Raging Bull is that its technically very well made, it probably achieves exactly what it sets out to do - making it a perfect movie - and yet I just don't find it to be a very appealing story. It's depressing and kinda slow in my opinion, I've seen some opinion pieces on it, outlining how the film is about violence in the ring being brought back into the household. It's a cool idea, but you get it 15 minutes in.

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De Niro's great in it, it's a beautiful looking movie and everyone pulls their weight, but I haven't had the patience to finish it yet. Maybe in the future when I do it'll be one of my favourites.

What I have seen of Scrosese is Hugo, Shutter Island, The Departed, Wolf of Wall Street, Silence, Gangs of New York and Goodfellas.

I've seen all of Tarantino and think he hasn't made a bad movie, I even love Death Proof, generally regarded to be his worst film.


  1. Raging Bull is one of my fav movies of all time, just behind Sharknado 3 - but I can totally see how it might not be your thing and respect your opinion!

    1. whatever the opposite is of respecting your opinion is how i feel about you


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