BSA 206 W10 : Where to next?

Where am I going next?

So I know that I have to make a scene analysis before the end of the break and have an essay week back so better start orientating myself.

What's the scene?

 - Unbreakable Opening
 - Unbreakable Train Scene

These are the ones I had in mind, I think I will analyse these and take inspiration from them.

First: What does the handbook say?

I have to choose one scene.

Oh shit they're the same scene 😂:

Awesome well at least I know exactly what I'm doing now.

Directors Intentions 

Overview of director and selected film:

M. Night Overview (talk about what he did differently and how his career developed, his personal beliefs and how he stood out) and Unbreakable, a follow-up to his very successful breakout hit and a film that takes his style even further, being criticized for this and some other aspects of his personal input.

Discussed importance of scene to the story:

This scene is important to the story because it sets up a lot of things, but does it by creating tension and mystery. It's all about hooking the audience and making them want to find out more.

Identified directors intentions for the scene:

Probably what I said above, find some supporting quotes.

I think for this section I need to watch the scene a couple of times, but its especially important to watch some interviews with the director, and maybe some behind the scenes on the film.

Techniques Used

Research, identify and discuss techniques used:

I need to do a breakdown into his most commonly used techniques and shot types etc, also break down the scene shot by shot. First I can think of is the slow moving and lingering camera, stitching together different shots in one long take. This helps a lot with the atmosphere and creating a sense of tension.

 Discuss how techniques used convey meaning to scene:

I think its a lot about how the audience is experiencing the scene, the slow movements are a way of managing the information the audience gets at any one time, something Night is very well known for is what he does or doesn't reveal to the audience. There probably is more meaning to these scenes though and I just need to sit down and do the homework.

Propose Experimental Work 

Discuss how you propose to explore and incorporate techniques into own experimental work:

I have to figure this out, but could be a lot about how to create mystery, obviously the deeper I get into the analysis side of things the more refined my own direction will become.


  1. Very excited to see the final product! Keep up the good work

  2. Very good posts about your thought process as you wrote your proposal. I, also, am very excited to see the final product! Keep up the good work


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