BSA 204 W9 : Beat Sheet or Step Outline

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If you like, you have the option of bringing a beat sheet or step outline to class, as you may prefer to seek my feedback on these first before advancing to your treatment.      
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This is what Patrick said we can do for first class back after the break, before just jumping into the treatment phase - so here it goes.

Beat Sheet:

1) He Wakes
2) We Gotta Talk
3) New Rules
4) Go to Work / Flashback #1
5) Sneak of to Drug Dealer / Flashback #2
6) Back to the Doctor's Office / Flashback #3
7) Second Night, haunting niece now - he 'saves' her
8) It's something else, have to speak to a spiritual professional - contacts the Christian nurse
9) Confronts the demon


  1. Beat sheet is an important step to fleshing out your screenplay! Good to see you following the process Bo!

    1. i would rather kill myself than share a world with you


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