BSA 204 W9 : LEGS
A story told entirely below the waist, filled with leg and foot puns.
A bank gets robbed by someone who police must identify, this sets of an investigation, but I want a character with a physical deformity to play a major role.
Artist Models:
Crazy, Stupid, Love (Opening Scene)
Strangers on a Train (Opening Scene)
Police Squad (Episode: Revenge and Remorse; The Guilty Alibi)
Identity - the movie can play a lot with our assumptions and prejudices, in the legs most people are the same. You can infer things about someone by their legs and shoes, but not things like what skin colour they are or if they are disabled or not.
It will be a challenge to make the film consistently interesting because it is just legs, but with an engaging enough story and good cinematography it should be fine. Recently I saw an amazingly well written movie called The Guilty, which is a contained thriller where a police help line operator helps a woman escape a kidnapping. Even though it was just in one setting, the filmmakers still did a good job of making it visually interesting and visually meaningful. I remember thinking it was weird that I found myself imagining the events being described, almost as if listening to an audiobook, but it worked so well as a film that it didn't really matter, in fact it actually added to the experience.
So I'll just have to write an amazingly good story to make this work....hmmm.

This movie was very good and a great example of how to use a small budget and setting with great writing. Unlike a lot of contained thrillers this one doesn't peeter off at the end, it stays consistently great and creates a feeling of fulfillment. It did pretty much everything right and I would love to write something like this.
What a cool idea! Very indie
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