BSA 204 W10 : Scene 2 Development

In hind sight I quite enjoyed developing that scene yesterday, even though it's not at all set in stone yet, it helps a lot to refine it a bit, in my own mind the scene is much more defined now and I feel like I have a good idea of what it should be. Before it was very vague and rather just a general sense, now it feels more like a specific target to hit.

At the time of writing it always feels like some kind of torture, looking at something you don't want to. For whatever reason writing is a slow and unpleasant experience in the moment of expression, but in looking back it always seems good and like a lot of development took place. It's a really odd mix to get used to, very similar to other discipline based practices, where you force yourself to do something and because of it get further than you would have otherwise. It's strange to me because when I come up with idea, write them down in my notebook or develop them in my head they are extremely fun to explore and the experience is entirely enjoyable, even an indulgence. Once it has to develop and details have to be worked out, suddenly its a chore. I don't know exactly what it means, I just know that when I do work at it I never regret it afterwards, and look back with a tinted lens.

If you can't tell by my blog, I am all about ideas and have trouble staying with one specific project, I can't sit still and immediately want to jump on the next thing that comes along (which unfortunately happens daily).

Anyway, here we go, I will now develop the other scenes in the pilot in a similar fashion, where I decide what each scene should be and what kind of content is present:

Scene 2: New Rules 

He goes home with his brother and family, he starts thanking his big bro for letting him stay the night but really he'll fine by himself now. The brother tells him that he isn't off the hook, and he's not going home, this is an intervention. He is going to stop pulling his shit and will stay with them until he's completely detoxed.

There are two main characters in this scene, with the wife and niece more in the background. The brother and lawyer have a central conflict of one forcing the other to do something that they both know is the correct thing, but which one party is very opposed to.

Also establish in the conversation that the sister-in-law doesn't like the lawyer much, and he in turn isn't her biggest fan. This is a quiet scene where the characters just kind of clash but in a familial manner. It's not negative or aggressive, more something that has to be dealt with and both parties have a common understanding.

Essentially the lawyer is getting told off like a naughty child and has to accept that there's no escaping this situation. It's trapping the character by the end of the scene, knowing there is something after him.

There is a scene from Fargo that kind of has the tone I have in mind:

The best clip I could find of that scene :/



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