BSA 204 W12 : Workplace Mystery
Don't know if I wrote this into the blog, but I had an idea some months ago while working at KFC for for a mystery crime film focusing on a small fast food takeaway joint where someone gets away with stealing a lot of money. A high schooler goes into the work force and is optioned by the police to work as a mole and figure out who is responsible as they believe its one of the employees.
This idea stemmed from how I noticed people at a fast food workplace talk about each other, specifically how they change when together, face-to-face, and how they talk about others when they aren't around. It's a pretty basic principle of being two-faced at work but I was so surprised by the extent of it. Everyone spread such bad rumours about eachother that I thought solving a crime that someone committed would be incredibly difficult because everyone is essentially witnessing against everyone else and you can't believe the things they say completely, but they are also extensions of the truth.
Well today at work I had an idea for what could be a potentially good scene in this setting:
Cutting Onions.
This is a horrible task, especially when they are particularly potent because everyone just wants to cry, its like being in a warzone until you've finished the pile. This could be such a good scene for this idea to show the main character connecting with another character, akin to disaster or war movies where people connect while trying to survive. This level of humour will of course be front and center as well as developing character.
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