BSA 227 W8 : Catering, Props and Shooting Schedule

I have set up a Shooting Schedule for Saturday:

I have added notes to the first page, saying that Kiarne can show up ealier or later than 1130, we might be ahead of schedule and need him, but mainly so that he can join in the mean feed, which leads me to:


Items to be bought on the early morn, Pak n Save opens at 0800, I will try to get in just after that and make my way to SIT with the food by 0830.

List of items:

- Buns
- Coleslaw
- Ham
- Chips
- Crackers and/or cookies (also reserved for the homeless man scene, so really for Sunday)
- Fizzy

I have sorted out a bunch of the props yesterday, Jean also has a gas canister that I can borrow for Sunday's shoot. I still have to make up the rubbish bag with appropriate distribution of rubbish and non-rubbish. This rubbish bag is actually the biggest thing I still have to take care of tonight.
