BVA 603 W1 : TED Talks and More Work

We are doing things properly now, so it's no longer 203 - rather 603, as 6 is the NCEA level we are working at.

We first looked at this video to get a better gauge of the type of people we encounter, and how they can be opposite or different to us (highlighting that communication with people can be difficult because our differences in temper and personality come in the way).

I feel like we fluctuate between these on different days and in different situations, this is a nice cheat sheet to use for acting though - making it easy to highlight the main pros and cons of a character for you to play with. Maybe we can even adopt this to help in improv stuff.

We watched this video next,it's a guy who was a pro cyclist, and then got cancer, then went on the The Amazing Race. Main message here is to hone your focus muscle, because it helps later in life - not sure how exactly it helped him survive cancer but he sure said it did.

It was an interesting story to listen to, but the thing that stood out the most to me was actually his advice on how to push through something difficult i.e. a big climb in a bike race. He says he just focuses on the next 30 seconds, and the next 30 after that, and after that and so on, because "you can do anything for 30 seconds".

This stands out to me as a way to compartmentalize and push through difficult things, it also motivates me to hone my own focus muscle - which I feel is quite weak. The human mind gives out before the body, I think the way to overcome the mind is with spirit - here being the determination and persistence of focusing.

I am taking this advice on board and will try and focus better in my own life. He describes it as a muscle that needs to be trained and looking back I think that is the reason I can never achieve what I intend to - because my focus muscle is untrained.

So far I have no idea what this one has to do with Think & Create or Flicks, or whatever we're calling it this year, the last was obviously about communication and accepting that other team members are different, the focus one doesn't seem to directly relate but it sure does help me a lot.

I think whatever you spent time training is what you get good at and can naturally call upon again, blogs and writing/explaining my thoughts is something that I have definitely trained and a muscle of mine that I feel is quite strong because this is quick and easy to record. I just wish I could say the same for other muscles which I wish I have trained - like script-writing would be great.

It's weird how I can have more focus in certain areas than others, think this is just because of the fact that I have trained some a lot and others not. Learning focus more as a broader concept is a really good idea though because it applies to everything you do - unlike for example my bogging muscle which applies to other forms of writing but not a lot else.

It's also amazing to think how much the human body is actually capable of, usually it's just our minds that aren't strong enough to allow for that. Luckily a mind can be changed.

Bex decided that what would be best for us to do next is a Q&A with the mayoral candidates for Invercargill, I don't know how this relates to us but it is part of project management so I guess that makes sense.

I am going to be recording video snippets in which students ask questions to the candidates, these will be played live in front of the audience and the candidates will answer them - it's a round about way of doing it but history has proven that students can be quite difficult to get engaged or involved (especially when it's outside any of their interests).

We are waiting on a couple of things though before going full steam ahead:

1) The candidate correspondents to tell us whether or not they are even interested in an event like this.

2) The time, date and place, so that we can tell the students in case they want to attend.

3) The questions to be formulated (which I should probably help with)

Things I can start doing now:

1) Release forms for the students in the clips

2) Organize a meeting with the team

3) Book the gear in advance

4) Sort out locations to visit

I think we should all meet some time this week and talk about it/share research as it would give us a very clear goal of where we want to go with it as a whole and hopefully come to some unifying goal. When I work with Matthew and them there is never misunderstanding or talking over each other, everyone seems on the same page. With this thing so far I have realized that the communication is quite jagged and that everyone feels like they are talking in a different tongue. Obviously this needs fixing, we can work with I, but would make things much more bearable for me if everyone was on the same wavelength.
